Roger Jin went to West-Windsor Plainsboro High School North in New Jersey and recently graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics and a minor in Biology.  He is currently a Machine Learning intern at Apple and will return to MIT next year for a Master’s in […]

Mastering Anxiety Workshop

Anxiety strikes you when you least expect it. Perhaps you are feeling anxious about the upcoming exams. You work very hard but your results are not always what you hope for. Perhaps your presentation is around the corner and you feel terrified. You are afraid of messing up again because of anxiety Consider these questions: […]

Parent & Teen Seminar

You work hard everyday to support your teenager’s success. Most of the time you do a great job. Yet sometimes you feel frustrated are you are not sure what is the best way to help.  Consider these questions: Is your teenager struggling to cope with the challenges of school and life? Are you overwhelmed by […]

[7月27日免费讲座]做好父母, 培养好孩子

为什么 有的父母为孩子使尽全力,孩子却不顺从? 有的父母为孩子倾其所爱,孩子却不领情? 父母为孩子付出了一切,孩子和父母的心却越来越远?为什么有的“羊妈”培养的孩子非常优秀,有的“羊妈”的子女反而成了拖累? 为什么有的“虎妈”的孩子成为天之骄子,有的“虎妈”的子女反而成了浪子? 在硅谷快节奏的环境下,您是否感觉在和孩子相处上有些顾此失彼? 我们怎么成为好父母,养育好子女? 请报名本周六的讲座,我们一起探讨如何 【 做好父母,培养好孩子】 ———- 父母和子女彼此成为生命的祝福。 时间:2019年7月27日 周六 7:00-8:30pm。 地点:基督之家第四家 20548 Lomita Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070 报名: 联络:408-867-6264,408-982-5959 主办:基督之家第四家家长之友 *同一時間有小學生藝術創作 讲员:王晓瑞老師, 硅谷和春晖教育创办人。王晓瑞在春晖教育帮助孩子升学的过程中,擅长辅导親子溝通。不仅帮助改善了学生和家长的亲子关系,也激励了学生学习的兴趣。


2018,如期而至。伴随着新年的脚步,周围一个个高中毕业班的孩子提前录取的重磅消息接踵而来,带给您的是兴奋与激励,还是压力和茫然?某某普通妞普通娃居然被某某牛校录取了!哪家的牛妞牛娃,怎么反而被某校拒了?!我家的孩子可用功了,忙得团团转,没忙错方向吧?咱家的孩子老想钻空儿玩游戏,劝也不听,干着急,咋办?俺家的孩子啥都想做,会不会忙得没头绪浪费了时间?心态如航行的舵手。父母保持怎样的心态,一定程度上决定了其为人父母的高度;孩子调整怎样的心态,从根本上决定了其升学乃至人生规划成功与否。春晖教育和硅谷回音的创办人王晓瑞老师将奉上精彩讲座,为您答疑解惑:赢取升学规划的秘诀—-心态制胜时间:1月6日 周六 7:00-8:30pm。地点:基督之家第四家 20548 Lomita Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070报名:联络:408-867-6264,408-982-5959主办:基督之家第四家家长之友

The Model Entrepreneur competition

The Model Entrepreneur competition is a business competition created by Columbia Business School and sponsored by World Journal. High school students working in teams of 3 or 4 create a business proposal to submit for judging. Winners will receive an award certificate from Columbia Business School, as well as from $800 to $1500 dollars in […]