Computer Science

2017 Computer Science / USACO Bronze Online and Onsite class

Of all Olympiad competitions (USABO, USAPhO, USAMO, etc.), the USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) has the smallest participation. There are also four competitions every year – all other Olympiads take place only once a year. The participation every time is only around one to two thousand students, with no limit on the number of awards given out. Compare this to other Olympiads, which normally limit awards to the top 10% of participants. Competition starts at the Bronze level, and goes to Silver, Gold, and Platinum. After reaching a level, you can compete starting at that level every time, unlike other Olympiads where you must start from the bottom every year. Last year, the Platinum level was added, making the Bronze level much easier to pass. As long as you are comfortable with programming and have some competition skills, you can easily reach the Silver level.

SpringLight has also been providing USACO preparation classes for 5 years with amazing results. Most of our students have received awards at the Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Finalist levels. Many of them received perfect score 1000. As long as students can understand the condensed content and do the homework, they will quickly be on their way to the upper levels.

SpringLight’s USACO Bronze course is aimed for students who have taken introductory Java or C++ courses, but who may not need to be very experienced with programming. This course can improve basic programming skills and teach competition skills to students.

After filling out this questionnaire, our teacher can tell you if you should take this class.



Address: Online at; Onsite at 20432 Silverado Ave Ste.7, Cupertino, CA 95014

Contact: 408-480-7547,


Prerequisite: Java or C++; You can check what you know here: .

( is for USACO silver level.)

Instructor Mr. Qin has more than 3 years teaching experience for programming, AP CS and all level of USACO and more than 8 years programming contest experience. All of his students at SpringLight got level promotion. Several of them got perfect score to silver, gold and/or platinum levels. He will not only systematically teach the algorithm and other concepts used in USACO, but also problem solving skills with logic thinking.

不像其他奥赛一年只有一次竞赛,学生们往往需要从最初级开始往上层层突破,美国计算机奥赛USACO 一年共有4次比赛,参与即被认定为铜级,一旦升级至银, 金,白金等任何一级,就可以一直保持继续向前考,甚至连续升级。而且,USACO比赛人数也较少,每次全美都只有一两千人左右;不像其他奥赛通常有10%的过线的限制,USACO只要达到一定的分数线,就都可以出线,相对得奖比例和几率都很高。


春晖教育自2013年开始USACO 各级的培训,我们大多数的学生都晋级到银,金,白金以及finalist。不少学生得到满分1000分。

春晖教育在12月18到23日开始USACO铜,银,金和白金级的四个 Camp,为2018年1,2 ,3月的进行的USACO比赛备战。

 铜的课程是面对学过初级Java或C++的学生,想要加强自己的编程能力,预备考USACO bronze考试。

银级的课程是针对已经学过AP CS,或者已经考过或接近USACO Bronze,要考USACO Silver的同学。

金级的课程是对要考USACO Gold 冲白金级的同学。


地点: onsite at 20432 Silverado Ave Ste.7, Cupertino, CA 95014 or online at



要求:有初步的JAVA与 c++ 基础。请查看是对是否能上 Silver 的问卷。

秦老师有着丰富的programming,AP CS 和USACO计算机奥赛的教学经验,并取得了显著的教学成果:去年夏天开始跟秦老师从USACO最初级铜级(Bronze)在USACO竞赛中取得了最高级白金级(Platinum)。而且不少同学满分晋级银级Silver和金级Gold和白金级Platinum,以及正在努力finalist。秦老师将他丰富的教学及竞赛经验结合生动的例子整理出了一堂堂干货”满满的系统性教学来帮助学生夯实基础,详解算法,解题技巧,逻辑思考,开拓思路。

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