Words from Students & Parents


Dear Ms. Sherry and Teacher Tang,
I hope you are doing well! As the college application process comes to a close, I wanted to say a big thank you to both of you. Through all the ups and downs, you and the entire SpringLight family have always been there to encourage me and offer me words of wisdom. There was never a moment I felt alone, and I can't tell you how grateful I am for the days and nights you supported me at 20432 Silverado Ave! You have taught me life lessons that go far beyond college applications - no matter where I decide to attend college, I know I will take what I learned from you with me. Thank you so much for everything!
Sincerely,   E.Y. Columbia

Dear SpringLight team,

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the support and guidance you have provided me throughout high school and my college application process.
To be honest, while the outcome of my college decisions was important, I realize now, more than ever, the immense value of the time and effort you invested in helping me navigate this pivotal phase of my life. From editing my essays to brainstorming ideas, from supporting my extracurricular pursuits to our countless meetings, your dedication has been truly instrumental in shaping my path forward.
Thank you once again for everything you have done for me.

A T. Harvey Mudd, JHU, UCB & UCLA

Dear Sherry,

Thank you so much for all your incredible help and guidance over the last four years — you’ve truly shaped my high school experience in so many ways and helped me discover and nurture my passion in both science and humanities. All the great advice you’ve given me has led to admission to a school I can’t wait to attend next week. Beyond college admissions, you’ve introduced me to so many amazing opportunities and helped me grow and be confident as an individual. Thank you for your unwavering kindness and dedication!'

K.C. Rice

Dear Sherry,

I hope you're enjoying your Easter weekend!
As you already know, I got into my dream school Stanford yesterday. I wanted to truly thank you for your help through these past four years. You've always challenged me, brought me the best opportunities, and pushed me toward excellence. Thank you, not just for the academic opportunities, but for changing my life. I've met some of my best friends, discovered biology as my life passion, learned so much more about myself, and found my security in God through your guidance. I cannot thank you enough for your time, patience, and expertise during our time together. Thank you for making my dreams come true. I am truly grateful to you. Hopefully, you'll have this conversation with my brother in a couple of years too!
Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!
Best wishes,
A. X. Stanford


I am so thankful for all your support in the past year. Words can't express the gratitude that wells my heart. You are truly the kindest person I know and my life has truly been changed because of your guidance. I am so lucky to have you as my mentor!  We are so so lucky to have you as our true friend. I hope I can help you too in your future endeavors!

I’m so thankful for you, Sherry! You helped me so so so much and I could never have gotten in without you!!

C.B.       Stanford


Dear Padma,



We cried for half an hour last night, and I am still in disbelief. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thank you for ALWAYS being here and supporting me through this entire journey. I am extremely grateful for everything: from idea brainstorming to last minute meet ups during late nights to finalizing essays. You are always so detail oriented and very thoughtful. I am so lucky to be your student. I am SO excited for this journey ahead and thank you once again for being an exceptional teacher!                Sincerely, R.L.  2024



To Sherry: Four crazy years, but I made it, thanks to your help! I really appreciate all the advice and suggestions you launched at me — without your guidance, I definitely wouldn’t be who I am today. While we aimed high during my four years of high school and the college decisions process and were close, I know I’ve found where I’m meant to be at Cal (studying CS in L&S) , and I’ll be forever grateful for all you did for me these last few years. Good luck with your next cycle of rising seniors; Let me know if you ever need anything for your students and I’ll be glad to help!
To Juliet: From hour-long essay brainstorming + boba sessions to your endless dedication, my college process most certainly wouldn't have been possible without your insightful advice and bright ideas. Thank you so much for all that you do for all of us seniors — words couldn't capture my gratitude for your support (and superb editing skills).
Thank y'all again for all your support! Go Cal '27!  ????????????

Dear Sherry,

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your invaluable assistance in my college application process. It was a stroke of luck that I found you through a friend, and although it was a little late in the game, I am so grateful that I did.

Working with you was truly a pleasure. Your wealth of experience and strategic thinking helped me to develop a standout application that truly showcased my strengths and accomplishments. I’ll never forget the wise words you shared with me: “You don’t just submit applications to submit them – you submit them to get in.” This simple yet powerful statement motivated me throughout the rest of the process.

I also wanted to thank you for the exceptional work of your editors. After creating my initial draft, they asked thought-provoking questions that opened my mind to new ideas and perspectives I had never considered. Their flexibility and availability were also incredibly helpful.

All in all, your guidance and preparation were instrumental in maximizing my opportunities, and I was thrilled to be accepted to a college that I truly loved.

Thank you so much for all your help and support!                              A.N.   UChicago  2023

K.S. Yale 2023

因为女儿叛逆,12年级9月份还没写文书,而且每天四个小时的football 训练。没有办法,好友介绍了Sherry,希望她能够帮助女儿完成申请。

Sherry 有爱心,有办法。她既能从孩子的成长故事里面发现亮点,更有办法让倔牛听话,落笔开写。女儿不愿放弃橄榄球训练,为了完成Sherry 的作业,就每天早上5点起来写,而且还经常写着写着就走题了。Sherry 一边鼓励一边鞭策,总算在早升截止日期前两天完成。我能肯定的说没有Sherry 的帮助,女儿很难按时完成申请,进入心仪的大学。

在和Sherry接触的半年里面,几次看见她帮助她以前的学生解决一些学业规划的问题。她爱学生,保护学生,为孩子们着想。她不仅仅是一个升学顾问,还是孩子们生命中一直关心爱护他们的导师和长辈。再次感谢Sherry , 能得到你的帮助是女儿的幸运。     P. L.  MIT, 2023.


Dear Sherry

Thank you! I couldn’t have gotten through the past 2 years without you! When I first consulted you in 2020, I was clueless and apprehensive about a lot of things —- how to write essays, how to build an organization like XX, and how to find my path as a soon-to-be college student and adult citizen. But, meeting with you week after week made me more positive, determined, and confident. You have been incredibly generous to me with your time and commitment. Every time I struggled to make an important decision with XX, my extracurricular planning, or my applications, you had a way of grounding my thoughts and feelings, helping me see the bigger picture, and prioritizing so I would gain the most from my education. I remember when, last summer, a XX guest had caused an incident with their wages, and how you sat down with me, in your office, and told me stories from your life and your readings. While you could have easily just blamed me for my negligence or dismissed the XX guest incident together, you took the case to nurture and support that you always have, and more. At 11pm, the night of Stanford decisions, at your house, you encouraged me to be resilient, and over the following months, your constant dedication and devotion helped me stay strong and truly resilient, even when my parents and my own optimism faltered. It takes a remarkable amount of kindness, diligence, and wisdom to be the type of mentor and canselor you have been to be the type of mentor and counselor you have been to me this past 1.5 years. At the end of the process you’ve helped me find the knowledge, inspiration, and courage to reflect truthfully about my past and to think wisely and ambitiously about my future.

I am absolutely thrilled to be at Yale this fall! While it wasn’t a result I constantly imaged myself at, after visiting recently, Yale is like a com[plete dream to me —– the campus, the students, the professors, the courses —- it’s all perfect to me, and I’m extremely grateful to you for helping me get here. Through this very tumultuous journey! Thank you so much for all you do!!                    D. C. Yale 2022

A. J. Stanford 2022


Dear Ms. Sherry,

THANK YOU for being one of the kindest, most encouraging mentors I could have ever hoped for. You have pushed and nurtured me to grow into the best version of myself. From brainstorming essay ideas with me to reviewing my work with me to always reminding me of who I am, I’m truly so appreciative of your dedication to guiding me throughout the past three years.

Love,  S. W. Yale 2021

Dear Sherry,

Thank you so much for your immense help throughout the past 3 years. You’ve definitely helped me in ways that no other counsellor could have —— you truly understood my personal strengths and passions in both STEM and humanities, helping me present myself to colleges in a natural light that highlighted my individual qualities. From guiding me toward pursuing impactful activities to brainstorming effective essays with me, you’ve helped me think more deeply about what matters to me and how my activities have helped me grow as a person. Overall, your constant encouragement has been extremely valuable to me in developing my unique passions.

Additionally, you’ve always been willing to help me no matter what the issue is —— you always find a way to give me helpful suggestions as soon as possible or schedule a meeting with me to plan ahead. I’ve stayed at the SpingLight office past dinner hours and late into the evening, but you’ve always been supportive and focused on helping me. These moments show your great care for me and other students, and I’m truly grateful you’re always willing to spend an extra hour to help out. Thank you so much for all your help and have a great holiday season!         B. X. Stanford 2021

Dear Sherry,

Thank you for helping me throughout high school, preparing me for the college application process. Without your recommendation for classes and activities I should be joining, I would have been lost. Also, the resources you offer at SpringLight, such as tutoring classes have helped immensely in difficult classes and standardized tests. I am also grateful for you introducing me to Teen Challenge and helping me set up the art camp for foster children. Your help on the activity list especially, allowed me to put forth my best activities in a way that colleges could understand who I am. The tips you gave me on how to truly present myself to colleges have been so helpful. I am grateful for the knowledge and resource you’ve provided me these past four years.             B. W. Northeastern 2021


Dear Sherry,

I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope this year has been going well for you. In the spirit of the holidays, I also wanted to give you a big THANK YOU for being an incredibly supportive, reliable, dedicated, and hardworking mentor and counsellor for me this past college application cycle.

I am truly so grateful for the many hours and late nights you spent with me brainstorming, discussing, and thinking of ideas to help me guide my essay writing process. You were always available to sit down with me and look over my work, and your sincere willingness to listen and help me made me so encouraged to share whatever ideas popped into my mind and ask questions whenever I didn’t know what to do. You were so knowledgeable on how to craft thoughtful applications, unique to what each college is looking for, and I appreciate how detailed, personalized, and thorough your advice always was, Your guidance every step of the way was invaluable —— whether it was for choosing colleges, writing essays, filling in application forms, or just being an incredibly dependable and supportive mentor who I knew I could always rely on.

I also want to thank you for really caring about your students and truly wanting the best for us, always doing anything you could to push us to do better and better. Whenever I had any difficulties, you never hesitated to provide me with resources and advice —— even if it meant having impromptu phone calls at 10 PM. I remember that when I had to rewrite one of my important supplement essays just a day before it was due, you spent so much time brainstorming and helping me think of ways to push my essay to a stronger and deeper level. You were so patient with me, even when I was struggling and felt frustrated —— you didn’t stop thinking with me and discussing with me until I finally figured out what to do. Throughout many brainstorming sessions and through listening to all your mind-blowing ideas, I’ve also picked up skills of my own —— I’ve learned how to self-reflect and write meaningful and thoughtful stories. I’m really glad and thankful that I’ve grown and learned so much just by going through the application process with you.

I genuinely and truly appreciate your expertise, your countless hours spent thinking and discussing with me, and your belief in me even when I was having a hard time. I’m so grateful and excited that I got into my dream school, and I really couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for everything, I hope you have a joyful and safe holiday season!

Best wishes,      A. X. Stanford 2020


Dear Sherry, Juliet and Carolyn,

Thank you so much for my son’s college application process! He got ED for NYU this year! Without you he could not have achieved this milestone. The entire application process passed quickly and smoothly.

You can’t imagine how relieved I am as a parent who has a teenager that won’t listen to you. ED means a lot to me.

Sherry understands teenagers so well. I always feel relieved after our discussions regarding my son’s future. She is also very smart and always keeps a clear mind in regard of all matters. The brainstorming session was immensely so helpful for my son!

I would like to thank Juliet and Carolyn who helped my son efficiently. Especially Juliet, who also helped my older son 2 years ago.

I strongly recommend SpringLight to you for the college application process! Good Luck everyone! — J.Y. 2020

Dear Sherry,

Thank you so much for your unwavering support and invaluable expertise throughout the college application process, I could not have gotten into my dream school –  Harvey Mudd – without your help. From the beginning, you were a huge influence in helping me discover which colleges were the best fit for me. Therefore I was able to write tailored essays that detailed why I was a perfect fit for each school.

During the prolonged process of essay writing, you really took the time and effort to get to know me as a person, listening to my problems and concerns, both in and out of school, and giving me insightful advice and guidance. Through the process, you helped me understand what kind of person I am and which schools have the right personality for me. For example, you explained how I would do really well in a smaller liberal-arts college because I have a people-centric philosophy and enjoy tight-knit connections with others. On the other hand, my passion for science and engineering, as well as my high school accomplishments and awards, made a STEM-focused school the best fit for me. Because of your insight and recommendations, I was able to get in, and I’m certain I will love my time at the school.

Besides assisting me in choosing the right schools to apply to, your expertise and experience were an even bigger help in crafting the perfect essays. Whether it was with your advice or under the guidance of your counselors, I refined my personal statement countless times until we were able to convey my character and values through an engaging story that showcased my passion and talent all in 650 words. For the specific essays, you offered invaluable insight into what each school is looking for, especially with Harvey Mudd, where your five-part guide to how I should structure my ‘Why Harvey Mudd‘ essay undoubtedly played a huge role in my acceptance.

More importantly, I’m really thankful for how you went above and beyond to support me through this stressful time. There were many times when I felt frustrated and depressed, but you helped me get through it with your unwavering support. You cared about me as more than just a college counselor, but as someone who genuinely cared about my wellbeing and my future. You never hesitated to go out of your way to help me, as well as your other students, whenever you could, opening up your office during late hours when most other counseling places would have closed already. I spent a lot of those late hours at your place drafting, revising, and rewriting so many of my essays with your help. I definitely could not have done it without you. Thanks so much for everything!   — W. Y. 2020, Harvey Mudd

“SpringLight’s service is greatest I could have ever asked for. Sherry is caring and is always ready to provide endless ideas. Juliet offered a professional approach to essay editing and is always helped me express myself well in my essays.

Thank you so much for your help on developing me as a person throughout this process. Throughout high school, I tried to do all the activities that could “get me into college,” but it was not until the application season that I realized that colleges are not just looking for the “good activities,” but they’re looking for activities that positively influence my community and help me become a better person. Through discussions and essay revisions, I truly came to realize this idea. I will definitely continue to positively influence others as I go to college and beyond. Thank you again!” — B. Z, 2020, MIT

“Sherry has great creative ideas in the process of college application. She can provide opportunities of interns which might turn into shining spots in activity list. Sherry offers endless, constructive advice for her students, caring for each of them individually.

I would like to thank all the editors who had helped me in my process of college applications, Judah, Kenton, Carolyn, Cindy, Lital, Bahar, etc. Thank you all.” — A. Z. 2020

“SpringLight is really helpful and creates space for students to explore their possibilities. I liked how independent I could be in making decisions. I felt that everyone at SpringLight wanted the best for me.” — A.H. 2020, NYU


I just want to say I really appreciate your help and assistance during college application season. I know I was probably a difficult student to deal with and that my writing skills weren’t the best but you helped me get through all that and make it to Berkeley. I really really appreciate your hard work.    Kindest Regards,   — R. H.

Hi Sherry !

Thank you so much for helping me with school, college, and life in general over these past few years! Your continuous support and straightforward advice was a major part in motivating me to do my best, especially in this last stretch during college application season as was your willingness to help me in any way possible. Your methods of applying to college especially, such as having editors to help me, meeting with me yourself to make sure that my works’ directions were correct, and holding a final review of my application before submission, all exceeded my expectations and made me feel supported and bolstered my drive every step of the way land definitely resulted in more heartfelt discussions than I had expected. Besides just wanting to do well, I also strived to match your level of dedication and hard work during this whole process so that I could honor your time as well!

In addition, thank you for introducing me to the Stanford research program and encourage me to apply. Besides begin a redefining level of “intense”, I felt that I really got a taste of an experience with no limits on expectations. Most importantly, the people I met there wear the best group of friends I’ve met in the course of my entire high school career – and because of Springlight, I can still meet up with them and keep in touch.

Thank you again for all your help and support! I really appreciate it! —A.H. 2019. Accepted by UChicago

Dear Juliet,
Thank you so much for your help during the period when I got waitlisted by Berkeley. I am very glad that I could meet you in such a time period. Thank you for your dedicated work when helping me editing my essay, you would not only focus on the wording but also the style of writing that the college admissions would like to see. Through your help, I also learned a lot about wiring skills. It is such a good news that I finally got in Berkeley, my dream school with your help. I am very grateful for meeting you both. Thank you again for helping go through that difficult process. — Cindy. W

I wanted to thank you for the help you’ve provided me throughout my college apps, whether it’s reading all of my different essays or helping me look at different colleges. I really appreciate your positive attitude and I have no doubt that all your other students do too. Thank you for being patient with me and helping me get things together even when things got messy.
As you maybe already know, I was admitted to Rice! I’m super excited for the years to come and thank you for helping me get here.    Thanks again,  —  J. W.

Thank you so much for mentoring me through my college application process and giving me support when I needed it the most.

— A. Z (The student is admitted to Stanford)


Other years

Dear Sherry,
I can never express my gratitude enough that my daughter got help from you during the stressful college preparation and application process!
She was admitted to Uchicago in 2017, not only because of her outstanding academics and activities in leaderships, but also mostly importantly, it was because of your overall strategy designed for her based on her strength and background.
Your kindness and accountabilities were the most memorable! After all, you are super resourceful and creative thinking to inspire your students to reach their goals and targeted college. It is worth of investments to get help from you for every college applicants.            — Michelle
Thank you for the consultation yesterday!
It was definitely very inspiring for me to hear you speak and analyze my profile for me. You gave me a lot of helpful ideas about how to approach the application process and where I can further develop my abilities and involvements. I will focus on working on my program for minorities and — for now.
The — link you sent me is very amazing. I will try and make some of these models and create a website for it.
Thanks for all the help and the great ideas! I hope we keep in touch ????
Best, –N. X. (She was accepted by Stanford, MIT and all UCs.)

Dear Sherry,

Thank you for accompanying me through this jouney and pushing me to be better. I am truly grateful for you giving me confidence and certainty and direction in this chaotic time of my life. You are an angel. You give more than words. You give possibility, you inspire dreams, and you set an example of how to give love. I will be sure to pass on this kindness and warmth to people all around me. Thank you for all the invaluable lessons and experiences. Keep inspiring youth like me but don’t overwork yourself.   E. G.

Dear Sherry 阿姨,

I can’t believe these 4 years are almost over–It’s definitely been a journey! Thank you for your endless guidance and advice on everything in these past years: you have allowed me to show and achieve a better self. The college application precess is truly brutal, and I am very humbled and grateful that a wonderful school like Princeton has accepted me into their class of 2022! I remain happy and excited by my results; if I were to have a regret, it would be that I did not perform better in my more-top-tier schools’ acceptances considering how much effort that you, Miyuki, and my parents put into my success. Once again, sincerely, thank you for all the opportunities and encouragements you have taken the time to offer me. I will take my fighting spirit and enthusiasm to Princeton well and surely keep in touch! 谢谢!!   J. L.

M.T. was accepted by Columbia, UChicago and all UCs)

Dear Sherry, Thank you for helping me (among so many others) in this trying time! I’m very interested to have someone as capable as you guard my back and help me through the college application process. You’ve definitely given me more peace of mind than you’d think, as well as so many more opportunities to excel. Thank you !!

We found out about Springlight when I was worried about my son’s college admission. I am glad I found them. The owner of SpringLight, Sherry, is a most wonderful person. She is dedicated, caring and sincere. She is very knowledgeable about the college admissions process and what the admission officers are looking for. Sherry had a good sense of what to say in the essays and helped with the entire application process. I am very happy that SpringLight helped our son enter his number one college. I strongly recommend SpringLight as one of the places to go for the college admission process.   — Mrs. Rukshini Segaran (Her son was accepted by MIT)

The first time I went to SpringLight Education was to get help in my writing for my APLang class. I am so glad that I found this spot because the tutors are definitely there to help you and they are well versed in what they do. By the end of the semester, my writing skills improved a lot. After that, I signed up for their college counseling. Through SpringLight I was able to get into my dream Ivy League school. The owner of the business, Sherry, is unlike any other counselor you will find. She goes out of her way to find opportunities (internships, work, etc) for her students and pays attention to every single one of them. This kind of attention is rare to find. Sherry and all the college advisors at SpringLight are very knowledgeable about the college admissions process and have many resources to get you/your child to where they want to be. They are detailed in their work and make sure that the student is happy with every aspect of their admissions process. Through the quality of the edits and their efforts that they put in, I can safely say that SpringLight is the best place to go. — K.M. (She was accepted by Cornell)

  • 感謝 神,因著妳的愛心幫Jerry找到這麼好的學校,希望 神的看顧孩孑能在大學裹怏樂的學習。C.L. 09/12/2013
  • 晓瑞阿姨好,我現在終於要畢業高中了,所以我想要謝謝你這幾年幫助我這麼多。從更我解釋我不了解的東西,到培我一起選大學,到大學申請。。。     Jerry W. 06/06/2013, (Jerry W是个ABC,他总是试着用中文和我们交流。– Sherry Wang)
  • Whenever I need someone, Sherry is here. Always. What I love about Sherry is that when she knows something, she explains it extremely thoroughly and opinionatedly to get heir point across, and when she does not know something, she has the passion to go and look for it immediately. I see and believe that she is not only doing her job, but also truly caring about my future. She calls my mom continuously  “How did Emily do on her SAT?” or “How far is she in her college applications?” or “How are her grades? Has she studeid for her finals?” She calls my mom because she worries about me, and wants to help me. That shows how she really puts her heart into her job, and her care into her abilities to help. Thank you Sherry.   12/05/2012           
  • 我和晓瑞纯粹因Bayecho的活动认识。这几年来,亲眼见她在这个园地辛勤耕耘。更可贵的是她不仅精于子女教育,还乐于助人。我每每遇到难题,第 一个反应就是打电话给她,每次都得到实际的帮助。她的博客非常实用(hotchili, ecollege), 不看就亏了。晓瑞是个实在人,她的建议你没听会误事的,这是我亲身体会。她不是羊妈,也不是虎妈,是鹰妈,用自己的翅膀托着孩子学飞,最后让孩子自己展翅升腾。太敬佩了。       11/30/2012
  • 今天得到通知,女儿Early Action 被芝加哥大学录取了。虽然没有最后决定是否要上,但这是她最喜欢的选择。再次谢谢晓瑞。她的大儿已经进了芝加哥大学,给了我们不少帮助!   12/18/2012
  • 今天太激动了。女儿被录取的同时,拿到很丰厚的Financial Aid Estimate. CSS我是请晓瑞帮我review的, 谢谢晓瑞。更要感谢上帝,他的供应丰丰富富,超出我的所想所求。     12/18/2012


M.T. was accepted by Columbia, UChicago and all UCs)

Dear mom,

All my life, you’ve been there for me. No matter what I did, no matter what situation I was in.

Yet the best I can give you is this letter. I do not carry any monetary value, but I hope you can still find value in this.

You’re always willing to help me when I need you, always willing to sacrifice for me.

I don’t know how to thank you, because I can never thank you enough.

I’m sorry for the time I’ve angered you, when I did wrong. Now I know why you didn’t want me to do what I did. whatever you do, you do it so I can live better, so I can live a happier life.

I’m sorry for questioning you when you were right, and I was wrong. I hope I can remember that you’ve always looking out for me, and you’re not doing things for your benefit, but rather mine.

Thank you for your teachings that you’ve passed on to me. Not just the teachings that are related to school, but also the teachings on life and morals.

Thank you for your cooking–even though it’s what you detest the most, you do it out of love for me.

Thank you for guiding me on my spiritual path–without you , God might seem farther.

Thank you for caring about me when you weren’t doing well yourself–when you were busy, when you were sick, when you weren’t having a good day.

There’s so much I can thank you for, because you’ve given me so much.

You’re the most awesomest mom ever ????

With love from your son.

Peter. (Sherry’s older son) 12/14/2008