NACLO Online Training Class

$1000 for total 28 hours video classes from 2016 with class materials


$1000 for 30 hours video classes from 2018 including with class materials.

To order the online video class, please send email to, with the subject title as "NACLO Online Video" with the student's name, gmail address and parent's name, phone number, email address, and the video class name.

We accept the following payments: Make a note of student name and class/date(important!) on the payment.

  1. Online banking pay through Zelle: Payee's Business name: SpringLight Education. For most online banks it's free, ask your bank for Zelle pay for details about your online sending money.
  2. Check payable to SpringLight Education, you can email the front and back pictures of the check to us. Or send the paper check to us by mail, or drop it off at our office.

If you have any questions, please send email to, or call 408-480-2505.

Sample of NACLO Class Video


Nelson Niu is NACLO Finalist [top 4 in the nation, red team in the US team] in 2016. He won an individual silver medal and was a US team gold medalist in ILO this summer. He ranked national No. 1 in the 2017's NACLO open round contest. He also was accepted into MOSP and MIT Prime, and has been an experienced teacher and tutor in SpringLight for many years. He has graduated from MIT.

教授這門課的Nelson Niu 2016年進入過NACLO的全美國前四名,并代表美國隊红队參加IOL國際比賽,獲得個人銀獎,團體金獎。2017年NACLO Open round 比赛获得全美第一名。他還獲得過多項數學競賽大獎,並有豐富的教學經驗。他现已经从MIT大学毕业。