Intel STS Finalist & Siemens Semifinalist 西门子奖和英特尔奖得主分享高中生活经验及 得奖秘诀
Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose CA 95129
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Feb. 8th, 2014
Video Link:
Speaker: Angela Kong
Angela Kong is currently a senior at Lynbrook High School with a passion in both business and science research. Some of her achievements include:
Stanford Research Intern
Siemens Semifinalist, Intel STS Finalist
Co-President of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter at her school: Competed and placed internationally in various speech competitions 3 years in a row
Vice-President of the San Jose Youth Advisory Council District 1
Co-founder and President of Lynbrook World Dance Club
Engage tutor
What she will be covering:
Her high school experience: how she changed from a shy freshman to an accomplished leader
How she got the positions/opportunities she did
Her reflections on some of her best opportunities, failures, and worst mistakes (which you can avoid!) that have shaped her
What students/parents will get out of this workshop:
Step-by-step process on how to get involved in scientific research (especially from someone who only started in her late junior year)
Firsthand experience on how to enter and win in science fairs (Synopsys, Siemens, Intel, etc.)
Time management tricks: how to balance a myriad of activities while maintaining a 4.0 un-weighted GPA
Valuable insight on how to maximize your high school experience
Fee: $40/person, $60/two family members, $80/three family members, $100/Four family members
Seats are limited.