
Want to get excellent grades in Math? Interested in learning how to solve precalculus problems efficiently?  


Join Springlight’s Precalculus Bootcamp this Summer


Objective: Master Precalculus in 24 hours.



You will learn and master key precalculus concepts through Springlight’s practical and step by step approach to problem solving


How would you benefit?


  1. Improve your  grades in precalculus and love for math
  2. Learn advanced and efficient strategies for problem solving
  3. Receive guided practice in class
  4. Learn proven strategies for remembering formulas and difficult math concepts
  5. Get personalized attention from experienced instructor


What topics would be covered?


  1. Trigonometry
  2. Probability
  3. Series and Sequences
  4. Logarithms and Exponential Functions


Dates: Sunday, June 24 to Friday, June 29 (6 days)


Times: 9:00am – 1:30pm each day (30 minute break)


Total number of hours: 24 {optional 30 minutes personalized time (max) for each student if needed}

Number of students: 10 (max)


Proposed Schedule

Date Core Topics Hours (class time) Comment
Sunday, June 24 Trigonometry 4
Monday, June 25 Trigonometry 4
Tuesday, June 26 Probability 4.5
Wednesday, June 27 Series and sequences 4
Thursday, June 28 Logarithms and Exponential Functions plus final exam 4.5 1.5 hour of Logs…1.5 practice examples for all topics as a  refresher. This is followed by a

1.5 hour comprehensive final exam (for all topics)

Friday, June 29 3 hour final exam and comprehensive review plus exam strategies 3.0 30 minutes personalized time for student if needed. Exam will be graded on Thursday and returned on Friday.


Structure of Class from Sunday to Wednesday (1st 4 days) [30 minute break each day]

1.5 hour review of concepts each day

1 hour in class quiz each day

1.5 hour review of quiz answers each day


Structure of class for day 5 (Thursday) [30 minute break each day]

2 hour concept review and practice for Logarithms and Exponential Functions

1 hour refresher and reminders of key concepts from days 1-4

1.5 hour comprehensive Exam (covers all topics)


Structure for day 6 (Friday) [30 minute break each day]

3 hour review of final exam plus questions

Tips and strategies for taking exams and memorization