Want to get excellent grades in Math? Interested in learning how to solve precalculus problems efficiently?
Join Springlight’s Precalculus Bootcamp this Summer
Objective: Master Precalculus in 24 hours.
You will learn and master key precalculus concepts through Springlight’s practical and step by step approach to problem solving
How would you benefit?
- Improve your grades in precalculus and love for math
- Learn advanced and efficient strategies for problem solving
- Receive guided practice in class
- Learn proven strategies for remembering formulas and difficult math concepts
- Get personalized attention from experienced instructor
What topics would be covered?
- Trigonometry
- Probability
- Series and Sequences
- Logarithms and Exponential Functions
Dates: Sunday, June 24 to Friday, June 29 (6 days)
Times: 9:00am – 1:30pm each day (30 minute break)
Total number of hours: 24 {optional 30 minutes personalized time (max) for each student if needed}
Number of students: 10 (max)
Proposed Schedule
Date | Core Topics | Hours (class time) | Comment |
Sunday, June 24 | Trigonometry | 4 | |
Monday, June 25 | Trigonometry | 4 | |
Tuesday, June 26 | Probability | 4.5 | |
Wednesday, June 27 | Series and sequences | 4 | |
Thursday, June 28 | Logarithms and Exponential Functions plus final exam | 4.5 | 1.5 hour of Logs…1.5 practice examples for all topics as a refresher. This is followed by a
1.5 hour comprehensive final exam (for all topics) |
Friday, June 29 | 3 hour final exam and comprehensive review plus exam strategies | 3.0 | 30 minutes personalized time for student if needed. Exam will be graded on Thursday and returned on Friday. |
Structure of Class from Sunday to Wednesday (1st 4 days) [30 minute break each day]
1.5 hour review of concepts each day
1 hour in class quiz each day
1.5 hour review of quiz answers each day
Structure of class for day 5 (Thursday) [30 minute break each day]
2 hour concept review and practice for Logarithms and Exponential Functions
1 hour refresher and reminders of key concepts from days 1-4
1.5 hour comprehensive Exam (covers all topics)
Structure for day 6 (Friday) [30 minute break each day]
3 hour review of final exam plus questions
Tips and strategies for taking exams and memorization