SAT, ACT Test Preparation Program

We have dozens of sets of ACT real tests and new SAT real tests, and some mock SAT tests similar to the real test.

Want to get a high score for the SAT or ACT test?

Come to SpringLight, and do 1-2 real test practices every week! We give students a professional assessment and 1-to-1 customized tutoring.

SpringLight Education has helped a lot of students increase their SAT and ACT scores, and many of them have gotten perfect scores.

The secret to getting a high score on the SAT and ACT tests is to do more real tests in addition to improving basic skills and strengthening foundations in English and mathematics, and having personal professional tutoring that works with students' strengths and weaknesses for their best possible score.


Why do students need to do real tests?

The real tests are released by the College Board and ACT. Doing the real test is the most efficient way to improve test scores.

Why do the students need to do many practice tests? If they understand concepts, do they still need to do many exercises?

Doing more practice not only helps students to have a deep understanding of and become familiar with the SAT and/or ACT tests, but also can improve students' endurance to help them test beyond their current level.

(More than three hours of test-taking often makes students exhausted, so it is difficult for the test to reflect students' true level.)

How does SpringLight specifically help students?

  • Writing: (Writing on SAT, English on ACT): The teacher will explain applicable grammar points and provide exercises to improve on these points. For the students who are weak at grammar, it can be expected that their score will improve quickly.
  • Reading: It's hard to quickly improve on reading ability in the short term. In addition to giving some tips on how to solve problems, our teachers provide students with appropriate reading articles to help them improve their comprehension skills.
  • Mathematics: Teachers focus on the strengthening of concepts and knowledge, and the increased focus on problems raises the accuracy rate.
  • Science: (SAT also has scientific questions scattered throughout): This focuses on tips and techniques to help students read scientific articles, with methods similar to those of the reading section.

Fee: Practice tests only: 1 set $50 (Including scoring, and proctoring students to do the problems they did wrong.  Tutoring is not included. (Free for SpringLight's college planning & application students, and the students who take our group SAT/PSAT training classes.)

If you need private lessons, contact us. SpringLight's experienced teachers can offer you customized teaching based on what you have done for your practise tests.

Address: 20432 Silverado Ave, Ste 7 & 212, Cupertino, CA 95014


Contact: 408-480-2505,

Available Time: By appointment. Monday to Saturday, 9:30am to 9:30pm. Sunday, 1:00pm to 7:00pm.



每周来春晖做1-2套真题! 我们拥有几十套ACT真题, 和十几套新SAT 真题和一些接近真题的模拟题。我们会给学生进行专业的评估和 1 对1 有针对性的辅导。


考好SAT, ACT的秘诀,除了需要英文和数学方面的基本功外,就是需要做大量的真题针对自己的弱项,进行量身制作的专业性的辅导。

  • 为什么要做真题?


  • 为什么要多做题?懂了不就行了吗?



  • 春晖具体是怎么帮助学生的?

语法 (writing part)的提高:老师讲解相关的语法点,提供类似的练习题。该部分比较弱的学生,可以期待短期内有快速的提高。




Address: 20432 Silverado Ave, Ste 7, Cupertino, CA 95014


Contact: 408-480-2505,

Available Time: By appointment. Monday to Saturday, 9:30am to 9:30pm. Sunday, 1:00pm to 7:00pm.