Java Programming

The course is designed to introduce the student to the study and writing of computer programs, with an emphasis on understanding and solving problems. Analytical thinking skills and logic are emphasized. The Java language is taught with an emphasis on programming for the Internet, so structured and object-oriented methods of programming are taught.

This course is recommended for the student preparing for the AP Computer Science test prep course.

It covers the content found in a high school first year introductory course to Java programming, requiring no prior experience.

Pre-requisites: Algebra 1




  1. Introduction
  2. Elementary Programming
  3. Selections
  4. Math Functions, Characters, Strings
  5. Loops
  6. Methods
  7. 1-Dimensional Arrays
  8. Multi-dimensional Arrays
  9. Objects and Classes
  10. Thinking in Objects
  11. Inheritance and Polymorphism
  12. Exception Handling, Text IO
  13. Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  14. Binary IO
  15. Recursions
  16. JavaFX Basics
  17. Event-driven Programming