AP Human Geography

Class Description

The Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG) course prepares students to take the APHG exam and introduces them to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth's surface. The course focuses on the connection, processes, and effects of human populations on the planet. The course focuses on seven units of study: nature and perspectives of geography, population, cultural patterns and processes, political organization of space, agricultural and rural land use, industrialization and economic development, and cities and urban land use. In addition to being well prepared for the APHG exam, students will develop an understanding of how humans interact with the earth’s surface.

About the Instructor

Ms. Katherine Simpson graduated from Gordon College with a double degree in political science and English Literature. Her writing has been published by NPR stations across the United States. Ms. Simpson’s research and writing includes reporting on city government and a thesis on Toni Morrison. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and playing the harp.

Class Schedule - subject to change

Unit 1: Thinking Geographically Barron: Chapter 1
January 16 Major Geographical Concepts & Skills Norton: Chapters 1 & 2
Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes Barron: Chapter 2
January 23 Geographical Analysis of Population & Population Growth and Decline Norton: Chapters 3 & 4
January 30 Migration Norton: Chapter 5
Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes Barron: Chapter 3
February 6 Concepts of Culture Norton: Chapter 6
February 13 Cultural Differences and Regional Patterns Norton: Chapters 8 & 9


February 20 Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Identity Norton: Chapter 7


Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes Barron: Chapter 4
February 27 Territorial Dimensions of Politics & Evolution of the Contemporary Political Pattern TBD
March 6 Changes and Challenges to Political-territorial Arrangements TBD
Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes Barron: Chapter 6
March 13 Development and Diffusion of Agriculture & Major Agricultural Production Regions Norton: Chapter 10
March 20 Rural Land Use and Settlement Patterns & Issues in Contemporary Commercial Agriculture Norton: Chapter 11 (pg. 444-453)
Unit 6: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes Barron: Chapter 5
March 27 Growth and Diffusion of Industrialization Norton: Chapter 11 (pg. 437-444, 453-472)


March 30 Social and Economic Measures of Development Norton: Chapter 13
April 3 Contemporary Patterns and Impacts of Industrialization and Development Norton: Chapter 14
Unit 7: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes Barron: Chapter 7
April 10 Development and Character of Cities Norton: Chapter 12 & 13


April 17 Models of Urban Hierarchies & Models of Internal City Structure and Urban Development TBD


April 24 Built Environment and Social Space & Contemporary Urban Issues Norton: Chapter 3 & 14
Exam Review
May 1 Review n/a