Prof. Po-Shen Loh Free Public Speech– Interesting Mathematics

Po-Shen Loh is a math enthusiast and evangelist who travels the world and gives fun, inspiring and insightful talks, to increase everyone’s interest and ability in mathematics. He is a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University, the founder of the free online learning platform Expii, and the national coach of the USA Math Olympiad team. His research and educational outreach takes him to cities across the world, reaching over 10,000 people each year through public lectures and events, and he has featured in or co-created videos totaling over 5 million YouTube views.

Cupertino Math Circle is honored to invite Po-Shen Loh to give a public talk this Saturday (September 28th), to students and their parents about interesting mathematics, and about how to develop mathematical talent, in the hope of planting the seeds of math interest in as many people as possible.

This is a free event, sponsored by Po-Shen Loh's online course ( and Cupertino Math Circle.