Do you want to attend a science fair competition?
Do you want to do research like a real scientist?
The workshop of “Introduction to Scientific Research: Literature” will help you jump start the journey to scientific inquiry. Guided by an experienced researcher, this interactive workshop will introduce high school students fundamental knowledge used in scientific research. The workshop will focus on teaching students how to formulate a research idea and obtain relevant research literatures using different database and searching methods; how to critically review an article and identify the key elements; and how to synthesis the information. This workshop will also teach students how to prepare a formal scientific poster used for attending competition or professional conferences.
This workshop aims to introduce basic knowledge relevant to scientific literature research and to train students in critical reading and analysis.
On completion of the workshop, the student is expected to be able to:
- Obtain scientific research paper using different searching methods
- Summarize the key points of a research paper
- Understand how to organize and present data
- Understand correct ways to refer to and cite from scientific literature
Topic 1: Literature search – How to find a paper that is relevant
1.1 Introduction of commonly used Database:
- Web of Science
- ScienceDirect
- PubMed
- Google Scholar
1.2 Find an article by citation or DOI
1.3 Basic searching skill
Topic 2: Different types of article
- Review
- Research article
- Correspondence (Comments/Rebuttal)
- News and features
Topic 3: Understand the structure of a scientific paper
3.1 Title
3.2 Abstract / keywords
3.3 Introduction
3.4 Methods and Materials
3.5 Results
3.6 Discussion
3.7 Conclusion
3.8 References
Topic 4: Data analysis basics
4.1 Introduction to Excel
4.2 Using Chart function to prepare a graph
Topic 5: How to organize the references
General citation/reference style
Topic 6: How to prepare a scientific poster
Reading practice:
Research articles will be selected for reading practice after introducing Topic 3: Understand the structure of a scientific paper. Each practice will focus on a specific part of a research article.
Reading practice #1: Introduction
Reading practice #2: Results
Reading practice #3: Discussion
Writing project:
Student will conduct a guided literature research to identify a research topic and find three peer-reviewed articles that are relevant to the topic. After critically reviewing these papers, student will write a one paragraph summary (250 words) of the readings.