SpringLight is a WASC accredited education organization. We have successfully provided the USAPhO training for more than four years. More than half of our students have qualified for the semi-final. Our students get into final (top 20), semifinal gold, silver, bronze and honorable mention etc.
The next USAPhO Semifinal test date will be in April, 2018.
Tuition: $1000/10 sessions
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/NtvvbwHtUuACdsVs1
Location: 3/19 class will be online only. 3/26, 4/2 will be onsite @SpringLight’s office and online @online.SpringLightEducation.
Class time: Jan. 29 to March 12, 1:30 to 4:00 pm, Pacific Time, every Sunday, 2.5 hours/session
Tuition: $100/session, total $700 (You can drop your check to SpringLight office at 20432 Silverado Ave, Ste 7, Cupertino, CA 95014, or pay to PayPal spring.light.edu@gmail.com )
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/NtvvbwHtUuACdsVs1
Location: online.SpringLightEducation.com (After the students register, we will email the online class instruction)
This online class includes 10 sessions of intense training lectures to prepare for the USAPhO Semifinal examination, which is well formatted and consistent each year. The percentage of each topic in the USAPhO Semi-final examination is:
- Mechanics, include Mechanical Waves, 37.5%
- Electricity and Magnetism, include E-M Waves, 37.5%
- Thermal Physics, 12.5%
- Modern Physics, 12.5%
Correspondingly, the schedule of our Semi-final preparation lectures will be:
- Thermal Physics, one session (1/29)
- Electricity and Magnetism, including E-M Waves, three sessions (2/5, 2/12, 2/19)
- Modern Physics, one session (2/26)
- Mechanics, including Mechanical Waves, one session (3/5)
- Comprehensive Topics, one session (3/12)
We only have one session for Mechanics because students are already quite familiar with mechanics topics when preparing for the F=ma test, and correspondingly, we will also assign harder reference books for Mechanics than other topics.
To help students fully understand the topic, we will instruct students on the following procedures (The class is on Sunday, so students may get familiar with the topic during the weekend):
- Pre-class reading materials (need finish before the class)
- Warm-up practices (need finish before the class)
- Lectures (during the class)
- Homework (need finish after the class)
Through these seven sessions of intense trainings, students may obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve a good score on their USAPhO Semi-final examinations.
本课程将针对美国物理奥林匹克USAPhO的第2轮semifinal竞赛的范围和特点,深入研讨一些有关物理力学, 电磁学,热力学和近代物理等的重要概念和解题技巧, 有效增强学生们解决物理奥林匹克竞赛程度难题的能力,使学生们能最大程度地准备好4月的美国物理奥林匹克竞赛。本课程采取网络教学方式,课前,老师会寄给学生们课程提要,每次课后,老师会给学生们布置适量的作业,做为学生们对所学内容的巩固和提高。课后学生可以反复看课堂录像。授课所用材料采用标准参考书和讲员自行编写相结合的方式,以期学生们在较短时间内取得最大成效。
春晖教育自成立以来年年都有很好比例的学生进入USAPhO半决赛,有两名学生进入finalist,全美前20的国家集训队。 春晖教育得到了美国最有权威的教育认证机构WASC.