Mr Huang’s AMC 8


The AMC 8 contest is for students in the sixth through eighth grade, although accelerated fourth and fifth graders can also take part.

AMC 8 is 25 questions in length, and is multiple-choice with no penalty for guessing. The contest takes 40 minutes. A student’s score is the number of problems correctly solved.

Why participate in AMC-8 (quoted from AMC-8 website)

A special purpose of the AMC 8 is to demonstrate the broad range of topics available for the junior high school mathematics curriculum.

Additional purposes of the AMC 8 are to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics and to stimulate interest in continuing the study of mathematics beyond the minimum required for high school graduation. Developmentally, junior high school students are at a point where attitudes toward school and learning, and perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics are solidified. It is important that they be provided opportunities that foster the development of positive attitudes towards mathematics and positive perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics. The AMC 8 provides one such opportunity.


AMC 8 Training Class

Pre-requisites: Elementary Algebra and Geometry

Textbook: none

Register SpringLight's AMC 8 class today!

AMC 8 Preparation Class

Sample of AMC 8 Class Handout

Contact:, 408-480-2505, WeChat: bayecho

Location: Online/Zoom and in 20432 Silverado Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014


The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) is the oldest and most prestigious nationwide mathematics competition in the United States. It started in 1950 and it is and has been the exclusive pathway for a student to advance to the USA Mathematical Olympiad.

Activities like the American Mathematics competitions organized by the Mathematical Association of America allow and encourage students to excel in an academic sphere. The contest is a rewarding experience where mathematical curiosity and skill are stimulated.  AMC is designed to inspire an interest in mathematics that will lead to academic success, scholarship and a rewarding career.

Many well-known colleges and universities request scores from AMC contests at the higher grade levels and use them for recruiting and admissions.  


怎样考好AMC?或 AMC该怎么复习?


  • Rate, ratio, proportions
  • Arithmetic and Geometric sequences and series
  • Counting, Sticks and Stones, Principle of Inclusion Exclusion
  • Combinations and Permutations
  • Pascal Triangle, Binomial Theorem
  • Complementary Counting, Geometric Probability
  • Congruent and Similar Triangles, Polygons
  • Circles, Power of a Point
  • 3D Geometry, Co-ordinate Geometry
  • Divisibility, GCD and LCM, Euclid Algorithm
  • Base-n conversions, Completing squares/rectangles


Instructor: Mr. Felix Huang has taught math, computer science, and physics to high school students in learning centers in the Bay Area for over 10 years. He has helped many students pass the AMC 10, 12, and AIME. He also helped several students to advance on USACO Bronze, Silver, Gold to Platinum. He is passionate about helping students overcome their barriers and reach challenging goals. He helped students gain profound understanding on these subjects. He works as software engineer in multiple areas including Java, C++, Python programming, backend data, and optimization problems. As background, he received a M.S. in Math from U of Washington, M.S. in Computer Science from U of Arizona, and a B.S. in Math from National Taiwan University.